Wednesday, 24 July 2013

The Last of Us

The Last of Us

 I know this game has been out for a while but I feel that this message has to get across one way or another even if the message is a bit late. Just think off me as the Royal Mail of gaming news to only one person...and that's my mum. But I digress, you, (mum), have come here to learn about the sort of new release, The Last of Us. But before we start, get ready to pack your bags and dry your eyes as this bus is on a road to feelsville. By this I mean that this is probably the only game that's almost brought a tear to my eye, even in the company of another man. Although this is not the first time I've almost or actually cried to a game, one of them being Final Fantasy VII with that bit we all know about. You may be wondering what I'm talking about and if you are you need to run to the nearest computer and buy a copy of FFVII. Sorry I completely forgot what I was talking about. Oh yeah.

 The Last of Us. Created by Naughty Dog, the creators of the Uncharted series, Jak and Daxter and Crash Bandicoot. So it was quite a big step going from Crash, to Jak and Daxter, to their first violent game being Uncharted 1, and then the moment when the company decided to put on it's big boy pants and decided to make an incredibly well pet together yet horribly depressing game. Just like every game, I've got a few problems with it. The first being that the infection started 20 years before the actual game, and the character that you play as, Joel, is about 35-40 years old, and after 20 years, he is the most unconvincing 55-60 year old in the universe as the only difference between the two versions of him is the fact that he has a slightly different hair colour and about 4 wrinkles around his eyes. I know that some people look great when they're almost 60, but call me wacky but Joel isn't the isn't the sort of person that would care for his skin and hair especially during a zombie apocalypse.

 Oh wait, they're not even a zombies, it's a virus that, for some reason causes people to get completely covered in mushrooms over a certain amount of time of them being infected. Those who have been shroom-e-fied are either turned into clickers, that hear you rather than see you and bloaters that are fat asses that throw spores at you that creates a cloud of gas that will slowly kill you. Oh yeah, and they take about a hundred bullets to kill and when you literally have little to no bullets, it creates a tense situation of running away from the thing in order not to become a walking talking all you can eat buffet. The other thing that, not only bugged me, but was also very weird, was the blades that you can find in order to create shivs, that you can use to either kill infected or open locked doors, but the blade that the designers decided to use was one half of a pair of scissors, not a normal pair of scissors...just the one blade. Which puts a great image of a guy looking through an entire block of flats trying to find a pair of scissors in order to cut his 20 foot long hair, going crazy, trying to find it for years on end but only finding left blades and another guy who has only found the right hand blades and they have yet to find each other.

 But apart from a few errors this is a very well put together game, and is very impressive. I must say my compliments for this game isn't going to be greatly long as I like to point out what is wrong with the game so people can go into it with an open mind rather than glossing over it with nice words so people go into it with what could be false hopes and be horribly disappointed by the actual result. Whereas if you're told that, this is good, but these are the things wrong with it, that prepares people for what to expect and that means that they are even more impressed by the actual game.

The Last of Us,
                       By, Jacob Bennett. 

Please leave any thoughts and suggestions in the comment section, it'll help me a lot.