Tuesday, 5 February 2013

Farcry tree

What do you love, everything? Games? Farcry3? Only two of those are correct and I've decided not to tell you but let you figure it out for yourselves. Okay it's games and Farcry3, you cant love everything. People that do, don't. It's that simple really, and there's nothing more that I love than Games and indeed Farcry3.

Farcry was a game where you played as Jack. Can't remember his second name as it has been many years since I played it. And at it's time, it was one of the best games I have ever played due to it's gameplay, mechanics and overall the powers. The powers are basically if your were to become one with the animals by being able to see in the dark, run fast and jump far. It was awesome. Farcry2 was not. Moving on though Farcry3 has returned to it's roots and has got good story and additional powers that instead of inheriting was injected. This was fine by me but I spent half the game walking around being eating by tigers NOT using the damn hunters instinct and extra damage. This made problems when you had very little space to carry stuff and you have to carry many leafs most of which are useless.

It does have a few glaring issues including glitches and the freaking multi-player. And the problem with the multi-player is everything. Healing is slow, You cant heal unless your nearly dead, Gameplay is clunky and frustrating, Enemies are stupidly hard to kill, they kill you in one punch and you only have one health bar. And yes there are two bars but when you heal it wont fill them just stop after the first one.

With only a few issues that I still haven't got over, it's is my game of 2012. But now it is a new year and much more games to be explored and dead space 3. Oh yes, Dead Space Tree.
Thanks for reading.

Monday, 4 February 2013

XCOM Enemy Unknown

I would like to start by apologising about my spelling, but give me a break. As English is not my first, it is Klingon. Anyway though, I'm going to be talking today about XCOM Enemy Unknown. One of the few games where I cared about the characters mainly because you could design your own characters and you would plan ahead with them by thinking. "oh, I'll be careful they have really good stats." ten seconds later. "OH THE HUMANITY! WHY DID THEY HAVE TO DIE THAT WAY!"

I love XCOM, it is basically a turn a based, eagle eye view but instead of it being like command and conquer  it is with single troops which gives you a much more variety of actions while reducing the amount of players and smaller battlefields. Another thing that made me buzz with glee is when you fly around the base choosing your next project and putting new equipment on people making them look shiny and new. Well this might sound boring but trust me it's not. Look around you, and you'll see that so many games that if you explain them they sound well, crap. Minecraft. Well what you do is walk around, collecting ore to make equipment to survive as long as possible, it's endless and there is no story. Wait, stop it's brilliant, why doesn't anyone listen to me!

But just like everything, nothing is perfect. And such is this that I have to talk about what sucks about the game and it's a few things. First of all there is a ever so slant in the difficulty. By which I mean that for example. Easy. Walk through the entire game with only three casualties, no problem. Normal. Oh you must know what your doing, die instantly. I never ventured above Normal as I didn't want everyone to die before I could even give them a name! The other problem is the glitches, they don't make the game bad or more difficult to play, it's just annoying or even sometimes hilarious. For example I had one where I fired a rocket and it fired out the back of my rocket launcher. The common one though is shooting through walls and team-mates.

This though against some of the things I said ranks 4th on my all time games and I plan for it to stay there. Though I hope you don't go through the same trauma as I did when Some Red shirt Dead Meat died, but I feel that somehow it was destined but alas I have never figured out why
Thanks for Reading.

Sunday, 3 February 2013

Skyrim, The Awesome Scrolls

What do I love the most, I hear you cry. Is the freedom of running through epic lands or even wastelands, having to walking a hundred miles just to deliver some flowers. It gives me the satisfaction until a monster jumps out and eats your face off or you end up standing onto a landmine. But even when you die in these horrific ways you restart your save and learn from your mistake. Unless you're me and end up doing the exact same thing over and over again until the penny drops and I think. Hold on, if I go down there a spike trap will come out and give me the ultimate chest piercing.

I am of course talking about Skyrim, except for the part with shooting and the land mines which was Fallout 3. Anyway, Skyrim, or the Elder Scrolls V, is a RPG Fantasy. Two of the things I love most in the world are piled into this game. But, the problem with it is there is no problems with it! I play it for hours and hours looking into every crack and plot hole. And the only thing that could possibly get on my nerves is the glitches and even some them are useful. Once, I had one which gave me unlimited stamina and yet it countered when if I ever go underwater the entire system crashes and I have to turn the PS3 off and back on again. But it will vary for everyone. I underlined it because it will, my step-dad had a glitch with a backwards flying dragon that would get stuck on trees and when it was almost dead it would fly away and only return when you leave and when you come back it would still be flying backwards and with full health.

But lets stop looming over the bad things about because if you enjoy these types of games then I would highly recommend it, and don't let my cursed words put you off it. I have to say, I'm not proud the amount of time I've spent of it as it has eaten about 60 hours of my life away but on the other hand so has Fallout 3 and New Vegas.

Overall though, there are very few things wrong with it. Yet I find that it is a game that you'll enjoy but you'll only be able to share notes with people about the missions. As each person will tell the tale about how they were walking through the wilderness and out of nowhere a dragon will land right behind you and turn you into it's personal chew toy. But one thing that everyone will exchange will be glitches and I hope when you play you will have a tale to tell.

Please comment below to tell me the funniest moments in Skyrim or any game.
Thanks For Reading.

Saturday, 2 February 2013

Alien vs Pilot

hello, it is my first blog so lets get it over with. I love games, always have always will so I'm going to be blunt as I can be. Alien VS Predator is craptastic. by this I mean that it has many things that suck about it and many things that are great about it.

 Things that suck. 1) it's short. I have an issue with games that are good but are only 8 hours long. There are only a handful of games that get away with this such as Portal 1 and 2, Left for Dead and if I knew any others I would put them down as well. But unfortunately A VS P is not one of those. If the game was longer then I would have fallen in love with it but I have to be satisfied with a nerdgasm. 2) It still as the original suffers from upside down disorder (not down syndrome) but a case of when your climbing along the walls and ceiling and you don't know if your on the floor, wall or ceiling and end up making yourself violently sick. I did not enjoy this and so did everyone else that played it!

Things that didn't suck. 1) Gore! I loves me a bit of gore especially when your pulling off some ones head and a spine follows after it, but it can be annoying when your doing this and 50 other aliens are gnawing at your legs. It also feels like a job well done after you wipe out an entire base without anyone seeing you, (except if your human, in which case stealth is quite impossible as humans are well, the bait). 2) The game feels like it was made by real Alien and Predator fans unlike the film, which was made by people who have heard of the film and know people who are fans.

Anyway the pure joy of playing it is of the fact that it was made by a handful of nerds in a dark room designing all the ins and outs of all the death, gore violence and the sounds of the pulse rifles still makes me shudder with excitement. Overall, I think it is a small box. looks nice on the outside with promising excitement and joy. But what is inside is disappointing a well there isn't that much to it.

P.S. I Bought the game recently just for the pleasure of playing as the predator. Turning invisible and stabbing people with finisher move, just like the aliens. And no one cares about the humans. Because like I said their the bait.