Monday, 4 February 2013

XCOM Enemy Unknown

I would like to start by apologising about my spelling, but give me a break. As English is not my first, it is Klingon. Anyway though, I'm going to be talking today about XCOM Enemy Unknown. One of the few games where I cared about the characters mainly because you could design your own characters and you would plan ahead with them by thinking. "oh, I'll be careful they have really good stats." ten seconds later. "OH THE HUMANITY! WHY DID THEY HAVE TO DIE THAT WAY!"

I love XCOM, it is basically a turn a based, eagle eye view but instead of it being like command and conquer  it is with single troops which gives you a much more variety of actions while reducing the amount of players and smaller battlefields. Another thing that made me buzz with glee is when you fly around the base choosing your next project and putting new equipment on people making them look shiny and new. Well this might sound boring but trust me it's not. Look around you, and you'll see that so many games that if you explain them they sound well, crap. Minecraft. Well what you do is walk around, collecting ore to make equipment to survive as long as possible, it's endless and there is no story. Wait, stop it's brilliant, why doesn't anyone listen to me!

But just like everything, nothing is perfect. And such is this that I have to talk about what sucks about the game and it's a few things. First of all there is a ever so slant in the difficulty. By which I mean that for example. Easy. Walk through the entire game with only three casualties, no problem. Normal. Oh you must know what your doing, die instantly. I never ventured above Normal as I didn't want everyone to die before I could even give them a name! The other problem is the glitches, they don't make the game bad or more difficult to play, it's just annoying or even sometimes hilarious. For example I had one where I fired a rocket and it fired out the back of my rocket launcher. The common one though is shooting through walls and team-mates.

This though against some of the things I said ranks 4th on my all time games and I plan for it to stay there. Though I hope you don't go through the same trauma as I did when Some Red shirt Dead Meat died, but I feel that somehow it was destined but alas I have never figured out why
Thanks for Reading.

1 comment:

  1. I once tried it on the hardest difficulty (i think its extreme) and all of my troops died in the first mission
