Sunday, 3 February 2013

Skyrim, The Awesome Scrolls

What do I love the most, I hear you cry. Is the freedom of running through epic lands or even wastelands, having to walking a hundred miles just to deliver some flowers. It gives me the satisfaction until a monster jumps out and eats your face off or you end up standing onto a landmine. But even when you die in these horrific ways you restart your save and learn from your mistake. Unless you're me and end up doing the exact same thing over and over again until the penny drops and I think. Hold on, if I go down there a spike trap will come out and give me the ultimate chest piercing.

I am of course talking about Skyrim, except for the part with shooting and the land mines which was Fallout 3. Anyway, Skyrim, or the Elder Scrolls V, is a RPG Fantasy. Two of the things I love most in the world are piled into this game. But, the problem with it is there is no problems with it! I play it for hours and hours looking into every crack and plot hole. And the only thing that could possibly get on my nerves is the glitches and even some them are useful. Once, I had one which gave me unlimited stamina and yet it countered when if I ever go underwater the entire system crashes and I have to turn the PS3 off and back on again. But it will vary for everyone. I underlined it because it will, my step-dad had a glitch with a backwards flying dragon that would get stuck on trees and when it was almost dead it would fly away and only return when you leave and when you come back it would still be flying backwards and with full health.

But lets stop looming over the bad things about because if you enjoy these types of games then I would highly recommend it, and don't let my cursed words put you off it. I have to say, I'm not proud the amount of time I've spent of it as it has eaten about 60 hours of my life away but on the other hand so has Fallout 3 and New Vegas.

Overall though, there are very few things wrong with it. Yet I find that it is a game that you'll enjoy but you'll only be able to share notes with people about the missions. As each person will tell the tale about how they were walking through the wilderness and out of nowhere a dragon will land right behind you and turn you into it's personal chew toy. But one thing that everyone will exchange will be glitches and I hope when you play you will have a tale to tell.

Please comment below to tell me the funniest moments in Skyrim or any game.
Thanks For Reading.

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