Saturday, 2 February 2013

Alien vs Pilot

hello, it is my first blog so lets get it over with. I love games, always have always will so I'm going to be blunt as I can be. Alien VS Predator is craptastic. by this I mean that it has many things that suck about it and many things that are great about it.

 Things that suck. 1) it's short. I have an issue with games that are good but are only 8 hours long. There are only a handful of games that get away with this such as Portal 1 and 2, Left for Dead and if I knew any others I would put them down as well. But unfortunately A VS P is not one of those. If the game was longer then I would have fallen in love with it but I have to be satisfied with a nerdgasm. 2) It still as the original suffers from upside down disorder (not down syndrome) but a case of when your climbing along the walls and ceiling and you don't know if your on the floor, wall or ceiling and end up making yourself violently sick. I did not enjoy this and so did everyone else that played it!

Things that didn't suck. 1) Gore! I loves me a bit of gore especially when your pulling off some ones head and a spine follows after it, but it can be annoying when your doing this and 50 other aliens are gnawing at your legs. It also feels like a job well done after you wipe out an entire base without anyone seeing you, (except if your human, in which case stealth is quite impossible as humans are well, the bait). 2) The game feels like it was made by real Alien and Predator fans unlike the film, which was made by people who have heard of the film and know people who are fans.

Anyway the pure joy of playing it is of the fact that it was made by a handful of nerds in a dark room designing all the ins and outs of all the death, gore violence and the sounds of the pulse rifles still makes me shudder with excitement. Overall, I think it is a small box. looks nice on the outside with promising excitement and joy. But what is inside is disappointing a well there isn't that much to it.

P.S. I Bought the game recently just for the pleasure of playing as the predator. Turning invisible and stabbing people with finisher move, just like the aliens. And no one cares about the humans. Because like I said their the bait.

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