Tuesday, 5 February 2013

Farcry tree

What do you love, everything? Games? Farcry3? Only two of those are correct and I've decided not to tell you but let you figure it out for yourselves. Okay it's games and Farcry3, you cant love everything. People that do, don't. It's that simple really, and there's nothing more that I love than Games and indeed Farcry3.

Farcry was a game where you played as Jack. Can't remember his second name as it has been many years since I played it. And at it's time, it was one of the best games I have ever played due to it's gameplay, mechanics and overall the powers. The powers are basically if your were to become one with the animals by being able to see in the dark, run fast and jump far. It was awesome. Farcry2 was not. Moving on though Farcry3 has returned to it's roots and has got good story and additional powers that instead of inheriting was injected. This was fine by me but I spent half the game walking around being eating by tigers NOT using the damn hunters instinct and extra damage. This made problems when you had very little space to carry stuff and you have to carry many leafs most of which are useless.

It does have a few glaring issues including glitches and the freaking multi-player. And the problem with the multi-player is everything. Healing is slow, You cant heal unless your nearly dead, Gameplay is clunky and frustrating, Enemies are stupidly hard to kill, they kill you in one punch and you only have one health bar. And yes there are two bars but when you heal it wont fill them just stop after the first one.

With only a few issues that I still haven't got over, it's is my game of 2012. But now it is a new year and much more games to be explored and dead space 3. Oh yes, Dead Space Tree.
Thanks for reading.

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